
Welcome to "Read It Again, Mommy," a blog to share the love of children's books. On this site you will find posts commenting on books ranging from infant board books to young adult novels. I do not claim to be a literary expert but just a mom and a teacher who loves to read. I have spent many hours curled up with my children, students and myself enjoying a good read. Each post will include a review of 3 books based on the theme of the week. I hope you find some new books and enjoy sharing them with the ones you love!

Sunday 15 February 2015

THE SUNDAY EVENING POST comes to you while there is a winter storm raging outside. Is there anything better to do on a stormy Sunday than curl up with a good book......or even a magazine. This week's theme is magazines for children. Recent research has suggested that the most popular reading material for both boys and girls is magazines.

Next year will mark the 70th anniversary of the first printing of Highlights! Longevity has merit in the quality of a publication of this type. I remember getting Highlights as a child and the excitement of receiving mail was enormous. That excitement continued when I was finally able to open the pages and dive into the reading, games and activities found inside. Let's hope that the printing will continue for anther 70 years and not be lost in the digital world.


The Owl Kids series has magazines for children from ages 3-13 and will meet the needs of many families and classrooms. Like all children, my boys get excited when mail arrives but they also look forward to "graduating" to the next level of magazine. These colourful magazines are filled with puzzles, stories, experiments, crafts and animal facts to entertain kids though reading and to foster a love of lifelong reading.


This French magazine was recommended to me by a classmate in my Literature for Children and Youth class which I am taking as part of my Master of Education degree. It is aimed at children ages 10-15 and like most youth magazines is colourful, fun and educational.

Ce magazine français m'a été recommandé par un camarade de ma de Littérature pour les Enfants et les Jeunes de classse qui, j'en ai tenant dans le cadre de ma maîtrise en éducation. Elle set destinée à des enfants âges 10-15 et comme la plupart des magazines pour les jeunes est colorée, amusante et pédagogique.


1 comment:

  1. I can not believe Highlights is still around. Those were great books when I was younger !
